Good Jobs Video Contest Deadline

GJ_Vid_Contest-_Community2-1_EDITED_NEW_DATES-01.jpgThis is the last week to enter the Good Jobs Video Contest! The contest will close on September 26, 2014 at 9 a.m. Don’t let the time crunch discourage you. Our jury will be judging content and creativity, not video production.

To enter, send in a video that highlights your ideas on any of the following.

What does a good job entail? What makes a job good, or lousy? As a young person, why are good jobs important to you? A good jobs revolution—what would that look like? How do we get there?  

Submissions could be professionally edited, made on a webcam, a quick Vine or made on your phone.  The $500/$250 prizes and the $250 People’s Choice award are up for grabs and will go to whoever best highlights their ideas about good jobs.

Submit your submissions online at

**To be eligible for the contest, you must be a youth (under the age of 25) or a student (high school/college/University/apprenticeship) living in the Canada**

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